I choose my first talks to be about my favorite magazine which is Bead and Button. I love this magazine so much and I didn't have peace tell I got all the issues that was out their. You can find in it a lot of projects that you can make and the Ideas are great also the way they explain how to do it is very easy.
Started at year 1994 and still going on with great success. In their website you can find also a lot of projects online that you can learn. Trust me is you miss this magazine you are missing a lot. But note this magazine is about bead and it also contain some wire works but with beads if you need only wire works you can just take a look you wont regret it :) . Here is their website and hope it will help Bead and Button also in the website you can find link to other magazines they issued like Bead Style and Art Jewelry that we will come across later. I'll be sharing some projects from this magazine and you can find it under Tutorial label.
Have fun everyone
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